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John and Edith Tolkien: The Love Story

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien and his Muse, wife, and love of his life lived together for happy 55 years. John fell in love with a pretty girl, a Protestant, when he was only 16. They had to meet secretly to hide from his stepfather who was a devout Roman Catholic. But the man discovered it. He took a promise from young Tolkien to go to college and not to see sweet Edith before he turned 21. John kept his word, and until the day of his 21st birthday, he did not write his beloved at all.

In the evening of the fatal day, he sent Edith a letter, swearing to love and asking to become his wife. But it was too late. The beloved girl said “I do” to another man. Maybe the life of the most magnificent storyteller of all times would have been different. But that evening Tolkien was standing at Edith`s threshold. John Tolkien did not use to give up and could not leave the girl he loved. An hour later Edith broke off the engagement and told the family that she would marry the Catholic.

Their life was not simple: separation, public disgrace, war. But they come through it all hand in hand with wisdom, patience, and love. She listened to his poetry and typed his stories. Edith was the best support of her husband and a caring mother of four children. All the works of Tolkien are filled with tenderness, hope, and sense of life because of her.

The life after death exists … for artists. There is a page on Facebook with information about J. R. R. Tolkien and his posts. Also, you can find new formats of your favorite books and order a calendar of Tolkien by yourself.

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